Supporting Local and Small Businesses

We all have favorite small and local shops, restaurants, and businesses that are integral parts of our community. Small businesses depend on our support to grow and thrive. These easy steps can make a big difference for local businesses.

Write a review

We all check out review sites to see if a shop, restaurant, or business is worth our time and money. Share your experience with others to help them see the value in the business.

Tell your friends and family about the business

Simple word of mouth can help a small business grow a loyal customer base. Share with your friends and family why you love the product or service a business provides. Chances are, they will want to try it, too!

Follow and engage on social media

This can be huge for a small business! Many rely on social media to share their product and attract customers. A larger social media following sways internet logarithms, helping them reach a larger audience. This can help them stand out and help others find them. By following small and local businesses on social media, liking and commenting on posts, and sharing their posts with your own friends, the greater the chance that the business will pop up in other people’s newsfeeds. They will be seen by a wider crowd, sharing their business with potential new customers.

Plus, by following on sites like Facebook and Instagram you can stay up to date with the business! Be the first to know what exciting things they are up to.

Shop ahead or become a member

Not ready to make a purchase? Consider purchasing a gift card or prepay for a future service so you can infuse cash into their business now and receive the product when you are ready. If you cannot make it to an appointment to a local business (like a salon, workout studio, etc.), try to reschedule instead of cancelling.

If possible, purchase a membership or subscription to keep supporting the business over a period of time.

Shop online

If you are unable to shop in person, check out their website to purchase online. Even if a business does not have a website compatible for online shopping or ordering, try reaching out to the business to see if you can order products over the phone! Most are happy to accommodate to serve customers.

Say thank you

If you love something a small business is doing, give them a compliment! Shout out a favorite product, service, or business on social media. Let your local business know directly that you support them, appreciate their products, and are thankful they are part of your community. Let them know their hard work is not going unnoticed.

Let's talk.

Contact us today and claim your independence.