No matter your age or your occupation, chances are you spend time each day on a smart phone, tablet, laptop, or other smart device. They are an integral part of our lives. It is vital that our technology remains secure and protected. Unsecured devices leave sensitive, personal information exposed to cybercriminals. Consider these tips to…
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From IBA
Benefits of Return-to-Work Programs
Returning to work after an occupational illness or injury can be challenging, especially if an employer does not have a plan to ease employees back into the workforce. Return-to-work programs support returning employees and alleviate these concerns by providing adjustments such as shortened hours, lighter workloads, and modified tasks. These programs, designed to allow staff…
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Cybersecurity Tips for Tax Season
While you are busy getting your paperwork ready to file your taxes, cybercriminals are hard at work on tax-related cybercrimes. Keep your personal information protected this tax season with these simple security tips. File early to prevent others from filing with your information. Update your computer’s anti-malware and anti-virus software. Never file taxes or access…
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The Importance of Strong Passwords
While cyber attack methods continue to evolve, one tried-and-true method cybercriminals frequently use to break into accounts, computers, and devices is guessing victims’ passwords. Simple and commonly used passwords make it easy for these criminals to gain access of your sensitive information, which can have devastating results. When you fail to create a strong password…
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Managing Social Media Risks
Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become effective tools for many businesses. These platforms can reach potential or existing customers, promote products and services, recruit new employees, and build credibility. If your business utilizes social media platforms, it is important to understand the associated risks. Each company’s social media liabilities…
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