From IBA

Leading Remote Employees

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise around the country, businesses are being encouraged to allow employees to work from home when possible. While this is not feasible for every company or employee, some individuals will be working remotely longer-term. Employers are now tasked with supporting remote employees and effectively leading remote teams. Employers and managers…

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From IBA

Cyber Liability Insurance

In order for your business to grow and flourish, it has to be protected. Traditional professional liability insurance policies do not typically protect against cyber exposures. Cyber liability insurance protects you and your business from a variety of modern-day threats. New exposures continue to arise as the dependence on technology increases for successful business operations.…

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From IBA

Avoiding Slips and Falls

Slips and falls are common causes of workplace injuries. According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), they are the leading cause of worker’s compensation claims. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states that over 17 percent of all disabling occupational injuries result from falls. Falls are preventable. It is important to identify…

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From IBA

Salon Safety Risk Assessment

Beauty salons have many potential hazards. As a salon owner or manager, you strive to keep employees and clients safe and healthy. Use this assessment guide as a starting point to begin identifying and correcting your salon’s risks. Risk: Fire. Beauty products can be highly flammable. Products in aerosol cans may even be explosive if…

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From IBA

Onboarding Employees Remotely

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to adapt in new ways and change typical office protocols. As many have shifted to working remotely, employers face the challenge of onboarding new hires virtually. An effective onboarding program, whether in-person or virtually, is essential for both employers and employees and is designed to provide a solid starting…

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