From IBA

The Importance of Strong Passwords

While cyber attack methods continue to evolve, one tried-and-true method cybercriminals frequently use to break into accounts, computers, and devices is guessing victims’ passwords. Simple and commonly used passwords make it easy for these criminals to gain access of your sensitive information, which can have devastating results. When you fail to create a strong password…

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From IBA

Preventing Ice Dams

By understanding their causes and warning signs, you can be better informed on how to prevent ice dams from causing expensive damage to your home. What is an ice dam? An ice dam is a buildup of thick ridges of solid ice on a roof’s eaves which prevents snow from draining properly. As the warm…

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From IBA

Home Theft Protection Tips

No home is free from the risk of theft. It is imperative to take precautions and avoid the temptation to become complacent. When we let our guards down, we increase the risk of theft. Criminals tend to strike during daytime hours when most adults are at work and kids are at school. Most burglars are…

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From IBA

De-Icing Outdoor Walking Surfaces

During winter months, keeping outdoor walking surfaces (sidewalks, parking lots, etc.) clear of ice and snow is crucial. Walking over snow or ice covered surfaces can be challenging and downright dangerous. Just like at home, keeping the walkways around your business clear of ice and snow will help protect you, your employees, and the general…

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From IBA

Fire Pit Safety

As the temperatures drop, many are looking for ways to safely gather outdoors. A fire pit can be a fun way to stay warm and make memories with friends and families. If a fire pit is the focal point of your next outdoor evening, it is important to make safety around your fire pit top priority.…

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